月球叛军2:烙印之人 Rebel Moon: The Scargiver(2024)英文字幕下载-高清影视Pro

月球叛军2:烙印之人 Rebel Moon: The Scargiver(2024)英文字幕下载

更新日期: 2024年04月21日 下载次数: 365  SRT ASS
电影:月球叛军2:烙印之人 (Rebel Moon: The Scargiver)




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月球叛军2:烙印之人 Rebel Moon: The Scargiver(2024)英文字幕下载预览

 [ominous music plays],[rousing choral anthem plays],[Jimmy] On the far edgesof the Motherworld's reach,,circling the gas giant Mara,was the small moon of Veldt.,There, a village of humble farmerslived a simple life, born of the earth,,until the shadow of a warshipfell upon their fields.,The ship's commander, Admiral Noble,,demanded morethan Veldt's people could give.,So it was that a woman named Kora,and a man named Gunnar,,set forth from the village,to gather warriorsto stand against the Dreadnought.,On Neu-Wodi, they were joinedby the mighty Tarak.,In the mines of Daggus,the fierce Nemesis.,In the colosseum of Pollux,the wayward General Titus.,And on the planet Sharaan,,Darrian Bloodaxeand his lieutenant, Milius.,In an ambushon the floating docks of Gondival,,Kora triumphed over Admiral Noble,,leaving his shattered bodyon the rocky coastline.,The victorious warriors returned to Veldtto collect their pay,,the threat of a Dreadnought extinguished...,Or so they believed.,[electricity crackles],[chief technician]Commander Cassius.,- He is alive?- [chief technician] He is.,Just.,But he's far from recovered.,- [switch clicks]- [Neurolink powers up],[Neurolink hums],He had no brain functionfor quite a while.,We don't know how bad the damage was.,We'll know what's left of himwhen we bring him out of the chrysalis.,[ominous music plays],[liquid gurgles],[cable whirs],[machine beeps],[breathes heavily],[gasps for air],His airways are clear.,- He's breathing on his own.- [Noble coughs],Admiral.,Admiral, it's me.,Cassius?,[Cassius] Yes.,Where am I?,You're aboard your ship, sir.,The King's Gaze.,We have been holding in orbitaround Gondival,,hoping for your recovery, sir.,And thank the old gods,our prayers have been answered.,Cassius, listen to me.,She's on Veldt.,Who?,Who is?,[coughs],[inhales deeply],The Scargiver.,She's on Veldt.,Set course for Veldt.,[Cassius] Yes, Admiral.,It will be done.,[dramatic choral music plays],- [uraki bellows]- ["From Far" plays],[female singer] ♪ From far ♪,♪ Over ever rolling fields ♪,♪ My heart is taken out of me ♪,♪ Fire within fire ♪,♪ My end will I meet ♪,[uraki bellows],I'm Hagen.,This is Den.,We welcome you to our humble village.,You must be tired and hungry.,And thirsty.,Well, we have prepared foodand drink for you in the Longhouse.,Come on. You'll see what great hostsmy people can be.,Let's bring these urakisto the stable.,They've come back.,Well, how do they look?,Strong, like warriors, I guess.,- How many of them?- Six.,- With Kora and Gunnar.- [Aris] Six.,It won't matter how strong they are,will it?,[transmitter burrs rhythmically],- [knobs click]- [frequency tunes],[radio warbles],Commander Cassius.,Soldier. All is as it should be, I trust.,Yes, sir. All is on target.,Nothing out of the ordinary?,- No, sir.- [Cassius] Very well.,Ensure that the harvestis brought in as planned,,and ready for our arrivalin five days' time.,[gasps],Five days?,[somber music plays],[ethereal music plays],[FLIR trills].
    Come. [clears throat],Now, please eat.You must all be very hungry.,Okay.,Our villagers have prepareda bounty of food and drink,to show their fealtyand gratitude at your arrival.,But where is everyone?,[hesitates] How would you feel?,The lot of you, if you were not capableof standing to protect your own home?,[Hagen] Mmm-hmm.,If you had to ask othersto lay down their lives for you.,[Milius] They should see there's no shamein our being here.,To swallow their pride to ask for help,,that is bravery itself.,- Thank you.- Yes.,And as it happens,nobody need lay down their lives.,A defense won't be necessary.,- Admiral Noble's dead.- [Hagen] What?,- He's dead?- Really?,[laughs],You need to say it again.He doesn't believe it.,- [Hagen exclaims happily]- He's dead.,[laughter],You do not believe that they will return?,[Kora] I don't.,It's Imperial protocolin the event of an admiral's death,to return to the Motherworld at once.,Then we owe youan even deeper debt of gratitude--,[Aris] You're wrong.,I just received word.,[sighs] They'll be here in five days.,Is that true?,- [Den] Five days?- Yes.,I thought you saidthat you killed Admiral Noble.,I did kill him. His body was smashedon the rocks. He is dead.,It's against protocol to come withoutan admiral to command the ship, right?,That is true.,But death is not always deterrent enoughfor the designs of the Motherworld.,They must be more in need of this grainthan we could have known.,- Hagen?- Yes.,Call your villagers. Let me talk to them.,Okay.,- [villagers murmur]- [somber music plays],Dark days lie ahead of us all.,When the time comes...,we may all have to stand together,,in battle, as brothers.,To succeed,,there must be trust between us.,In time, we will teach you how to fight.,But first, you must show us your strength.,The way of the land.,If we do not act quickly,the destruction of your village...,is all but assured.,Now, how long does it taketo bring in your crop?,Half a cycle around Mara.,No, it must be done in three days' time.,- What?- It can't be done.,[villagers murmur],[Titus] We needevery man and woman who's able.,The grain is our most powerful weapon.,Without it,,they are liable to blow usout of existence from orbit.,If we bring it in fast,,we can use it,both as a bartering tool and shield.,Now rest well.,The work begins at dawn.,[Hagen] You heard the man.,Dawn.,[villagers murmur],[somber music plays],You think they'll learnto trust one another?,They're frightened...,of outsiders, the battle to come,for their lives.,Trust? I don't know.,I just hope they all have the courageto stand and fight, if it comes to it.,I had no ideawhat it would be like to fight.,How much it would scare me.,- You are afraid to die.- [chuckles],[chuckles] That's okay. Everyone is.,I didn't even think about dyingin the moment.,If you would've asked me beforehow I feel,,I would have said I'd be petrified.,And I was scared.,The most afraid I've ever been in my life.,What was it you were so afraid of?,If it wasn't death?,It was you.,It was losing you.,[Kora breathes heavily],- [birds sing]- [crickets chirp],What Noble said...,about you being the most wanted criminalin the known universe.,[Gunnar scoffs],You don't become thatsimply by running away.,[Kora sighs],You remember how I told youI was raised by Balisarius?,[Gunnar] Mmm-hmm.,Regent of the Imperium?,And how I was the bodyguardto the Princess Issa?,Yes.,And that you were a decorated warrior.,Friend of the royal family.......

月球叛军2:烙印之人 (Rebel Moon: The Scargiver)相关字幕