猩球崛起:新世界 Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes(2024)中文字幕下载
更新日期: 2024年07月09日 下载次数: 180 SRT ASS 猩球崛起:新世界 Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes(2024)中文字幕下载预览
人类统治地球长达数千年,却因狂妄自大而衰败,人类制造出一种新病毒 导致猩猩智力高度进化,改变了人类的命运,病毒也导致了人类智力和语言能力退化,在猩猩试图与人类共存之际,一只猩猩挺身而出,为同伴牺牲了一切,他叫凯撒,猩球崛起:新世界,(许多世代之后),龟毛,月亮长老说 静下心来Elder Luna says make your heart still.,对 静下心来 蛋就会呼唤你The right egg will sing to you.,月亮长老年纪大了Elder Luna is elder.,三个Three.,只有三个Only three.,全部带走We take them all.,不 绝对不行No. Never.,一定要留一个Leave one always.,这是规定That is the law.,明天就是团结日Bonding day is tomorrow.,这些是你的These are yours.,你年纪比较大You are older.,才大一个日落而已 所以比较大By length of a sunset. Is older.,苏娜Soona.,你对哪一个有感觉?Which one sings to you?,这个This one.,丝滑Silk.,我们一起把它们养大We will raise them together.,就像我们小时候那样Like we were raised.,都一样It will be the same.,对吧?Yes?,快走Go,诺亚 诺亚 等等Noa! Noa,哇哦Whoa!,太远了It's too far.,找别的路Find another way.,诺亚?Noa?,不要啦No!,赞啦!Yeah!,诺亚Noa!,阿纳亚!苏娜!Anaya! Soona!,诺亚Noa!,诺亚 完了Noa! No!,你想过你的鸟会长什么样子吗?Do you wonder what your bird will look like?,只要不像你就好 阿纳亚Long as it does not look like you,害怕Long as it does not look like you,毯子不见了Long as it does not look like you,那是什么 诺亚?What is it,树上有东西Something in trees.,他跑掉了It's getting away.,外面来的It's getting away.,诺亚怕了Noa scared.,阿纳亚才不怕Not Anaya.,不是猩猩Not ape.,也许是Maybe...,哑口?Echo?,哑口不会从山谷进来Echo do not come in from Valley.,喔Oh.,你怕了吗?Were you scared?,没有阿纳亚那么怕Not as scared as Anaya!,他们回来了They're back! They're back!,苏娜Soona!,拿到蛋了吗?Did you get your eggs?,你们爬了多远?危险吗?How far did you climb? Was it dangerous?,非常危险Very dangerous.,阿纳亚哭得跟小婴儿一样Anaya wailed like a newborn.,你们拿了几个蛋?How many eggs did you honor?,给我们看看 爬得顺利吗?Show us the egg. Did you climb well?,蛋给我们看看 让我们看看Show us the egg. Show us your egg.,蛋 蛋 蛋Egg. Egg. Egg.,阿纳亚 给我们看看 拜托Show us,谁要?我Who want? Me,快点 给我Come on. Come on. Give,儿子Son.,给我看看Show me.,大家都得等到仪式All must wait for bonding.,连尊师也不例外Even Honored Teacher.,我是你母亲I am your mother.,我知道你善爬I knew you would climb well.,他在等着He waits.,坏了?Broken?,晚一点再弄Time for that later.,你父亲会想看的Your father will want to see.,他会很骄傲的Your father will want to see.,诺亚 诺亚Noa. Noa.,诺亚 没想到你能回来Noa,太扎实了Too firm.,是 科罗Yes. Yes,父亲 驯鹰大师Yes. Yes,诺亚Noa.,儿子Son.,太阳鹰不喜欢筹备明天的仪式Sun Eagle does not like work for tomorrow's ceremony.,你攀爬顺利吗?You climb well?,爬到顶巢上方Above Top Nest.,你们全部?Huh. All of you?,不是No.。
只有我Only me.,什么味道?What that smell?,你没去世外山谷吧?You did not go to the Valley Beyond?,绝对没有Never.,那是禁忌Is forbidden.,你的毯子上却有哑口的血Yet blood of Echo on your blanket.,我们没去世外山谷We did not go to Valley Beyond.,我接受I accept.,你很老实 诺亚You are true,有很多要学Much to learn.,很多要教导Much to teach.,在明天的团结仪式后After tomorrow's bonding.,现在 长老们必须知道Now,哑口只会惹麻烦Echoes only bring trouble.,欧达会把讨厌的东西赶走Oda will chase the pests away.,我能征询你的意见吗?May I seek your counsel?,这块毯子上有哑口的血迹This blanket had the blood of an Echo on it.,哑口Echo.,我要为此道歉And I apologize for that.,这对我们是个坏兆头This is a bad sign for all of us.,那气味That smell.,我的建议是And my suggestion would be...,你爬上顶巢?You climbed Top Nest?,很难爬Hard climb.,对Ah,可能很危险Could be dangerous.,危险Danger.,阿纳亚Anaya!,有见到你父亲吗?You see your father?,我搞不懂太阳鹰I do not understand Eagle Sun.,我懂 他讨厌诺亚I do. He hate Noa.,诺亚Noa.,你的毯子呢?Noa.,在长老那边With Elders.,他们派欧达去吓跑哑口They send Oda to scare Echo away.,对 长老Yes,母亲小时候When mother was small...,旱季使溪水干涸dry season shrank creek.,哑口到处觅食Echo range for food.,她看到一个小的和一个大的She saw a small and a big.,我们雨量充沛We have good rain.,这是她说的Her words.,好好骑 欧达Ride true,惨了No.,日出就要举行团结仪式Our bonding is at sunrise.,驯鹰大师会破例的Master of Birds will make exception.,他们不会让他等到下一季They will not make him wait for next season.,他会的Yes,他是你父亲He is your father.,我是他儿子And I am his son.,那我陪你一起等Then I will wait with you.,阿纳亚也会等Anaya wait too.,你们不能You cannot.,我必须再去找一个I must find another.,诺亚Noa.,欧达Oda!,还有There are...,更多more.,发生什么事了?What happened here?,我们的侦察兵Our scouts.,被他杀了Killed by him.,人类Human.,是她It is her.,闪电 回到马上Lightning,散开Spread out!,找出他的族人Find his clan.,往各方向搜寻Search in all directions!,那个猩猩的马The ape's horse!,闪电 过来Lightning,他们跑不远的They cannot be far.,跟着这匹马 找到他的族人Follow the horse! Find his clan!,找到人类Find human!,出发Ride!,快Go,把他们围起来Round them up!,不要 拜托No! No! Please!,你 囚犯You,把它烧了Burn it down.,苏娜!阿纳亚!Soona! Anaya!,诺亚 救命啊Noa,诺亚Noa!,诺亚Noa!,诺亚Noa!,诺亚Noa!,诺亚Noa!,阿纳亚!妈!Anaya! Mother!,苏娜呢?Where Soona?,他们带走她了They took her.,他们打破了我的蛋They broke my egg.,妈Mother.,去救你爸Help your father!,不No! No!,诺亚Noa!,不!No!,诺亚 快跑Run,去救你爸Help your father!,诺亚 快跑Go,不!No!,他是他们的长老He their Elder.,不No!,为了凯撒!For Caesar!,为了凯撒!For Caesar!......
猩球崛起:新世界 (Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes)相关字幕