大卫·艾登堡:大自然的声音 第3集英文字幕下载
更新日期: 2024年09月02日 下载次数: 110 SRT ASS 大卫·艾登堡:大自然的声音 第3集英文字幕下载预览
The natural world is filled with sound.,But, so far, we've been hearing only part of it.,Some animals call even before they enter the world.,Others use sound to communicate with their siblings.,Or call to their parents.,Using the most advancedaudio technology,,we can listen to them all...,...to reveal how baby animalsuse sound to stay alive...,...in a world where the oddsare stacked against them.,The most perilous timein an animal's life,is at its very beginning.,These little cygnets are justthree days old.,And at this stage of their lives,and for some months to come,,they are unable to fly.,As a consequence, they are easy preyfor a gull or a fox.,But there's just one thingthat is of extreme importance,to their survival.,And that... is sound.,The Kalahari Desertin southern Africa.,This is the home of a kind ofburrowing mongoose...,Meerkats.,This season's pups are takingtheir first steps in the world,outside their family's home.,In time, they will get to knowthe sounds of everything,that's going on around them.,But just now, what they wantis breakfast.,And to get it,they must make themselves heard.,The smallest pup has an injured foot,and keeping up with the rest isa struggle.,Once they emerge, meerkat pupsneed more food,than their own parentscan provide,,so they must persuade other adultsto feed them.,But in this harsh country,,food isn't easy to find.,Temperatures can reach over 45C,,and most food is hidden underground.,So a meerkat's life is dominatedby digging.,They may have to shifttheir entire body weight in sand,to find just one mouthful to eat.,After all this hard work,the helpers can be more interested,in feeding themselves than the pups.,So the youngsters beg continuously.,The moment food is found,,each pup switches to a high-pitchedbegging call,in an attempt to ensure that it,and not its siblings,,gets the mouthful.,And those who make this begging callmore intensely,get the food.,The biggest pup is successful,and the smallest misses out again...,...and again.,Staying close to an adultincreases the chances of being heard,and being fed.,But this brings its own hazards.,Finally, the small one does geta mouthful.,But he takes a long timeto eat it...,...and when he looks up,everyone else has gone.,If there's one thing more importantto a meerkat than food,,it's family.,Without their guidance, he wouldn'tlast for long in this intense heat.,He calls for help.,Making such a noise, however,has risks.,At last an adult hears him.,But the heat and exhaustionhave taken their toll.,It may be too late.,His sister encourages himto get back on his feet.,Once again, the little meerkathas been saved... by sound.,As the pups grow, they will facemany new challenges...,...including predators.,Sound will be invaluable to helpthem navigate these dangers.,But some baby animals use soundbefore they even enter the world.,The swamps of South America.,There is danger everywhere.,One vigilant mother here ison guard.,A caiman.,Over two metres long and weighingaround 60 kilograms,,she lives by ambushing preyin these murky waters.,On the bank, close to the river,,there is a great mound.,It's her nest.,And inside, there are her eggs,,30 or so of them.,Her nest-guarding duties, however,are coming to an end.,The young, still within the eggs,,are approaching one of the mostdangerous moments,they will ever face.,And they are squeaking.,Their chances of survivalwill depend on these noises.,We have a special camerawith 60 super-sensitive microphones,which can show us which squeakis coming from which egg.,The first starts to hatch.,But the youngsters would standa much better chance of survival,if they all hatched simultaneously.,So they call to one another,to indicate how close they areto emerging.,It succeeds in struggling freefrom the egg.,But it has a problem.,The nest that once kept themall safe...,...now keeps them trapped..
The calls of the emergednow encourage the others,to break out of their eggs.,But they still can't get out ofthe nest without help.,Individually,they can barely be heard.,But together they become loud enoughfor their mother to hear them.,She has been waiting for thesesounds for nearly 70 days.,And she goes into action.,One by one,she picks her hatchlings up,and takes them down to the water.,The last to hatchare sometimes forgotten.,But with the nest fully opened,they can now get out.,But they have no ideawhere their mother is.,Once again, they are saved by sound.,They can recognise the voicesof their siblings,and follow the sound to the water...,where their motherwill guard them all.,Sound has guided them on the firstand most hazardous journey,of their lives.,The sounds of an English spring.,For many of the animalsthat live here,,they carry important messages.,This bee has discovered that theflowers are now producing nectar.,She gathers all she can...,and then flies backwith the good news.,Her colony has been inactiveduring the colder months.,But now the time has comefor action.,The forager conveys her news,by repeatedly thumping her abdomenon the comb.,Bees, like many insects,don't have ears,,so they can't hear airborne sounds.,But they can feel the vibrationsshe makes on the comb...,...detecting it with the sense organsin their legs.,And those that are still asleep,are alerted by her signal that drumsdirectly into their body.,Eventually, the workers are rousedinto action.,Within days,the hive's depleted stores,are restocked with nectarand pollen...,...food that will fuel the productionof the next generation of bees.,When a colony has grown so much,that it containsaround 40,000 individuals,,it prepares to swarm.,But a new swarm will need a queen,and the old queen has already left.,There are several contendersfor the role,who are developing in particularlylarge cells.,Tiny super-sensitive microphones,enable us to hearan extraordinary call,,like the quacking of a duck.,The unhatched queens are signalling,that they're ready to emerge.,The workers detect the vibrationsof these calls,and in response they startto release the first queen.,If two queens are releasedat the same time,,they will fight one anotherto the death.,So, she does her best to make sure,that her rivals remainin their cells.,She does that by making a soundbeekeepers call a toot.,Slowed down a thousand times,and using new software that convertsvibration to colour,,we can seehow she creates this call.,The vibrations travel down her legs,,across the comb, and are detectedby the legs of the workers.,As she toots, the whole colony,for a few seconds,,stops moving...,...in recognition that a new queenhas ascended the throne.,Each tootis answered by a chorus of quacks,from the rival queenswho are still within their cells,and eager to emerge.,But as long as the new queencontinues tooting,,the workers will not releaseher rivals.,The crowned queen tootsrepeatedly until, after a few days,,she prepares to depart with halfof the workers in a swarm.,The sounds in the hive becomeincreasingly intense,,until finally the swarm leavesthe nest.,They re-assembleon a nearby branch...,...and a new colonywill soon be established.,Many animals,when they first appear,,rely on their parentsfor everything they need,and use sound to keep in touchwith them.,20,00 flamingos breedingoff the Yucatan coast in Mexico.,The noise here is deafening.,The chicks, nonetheless, are ableto exchange intimate sounds,with their parents.,This one has only just hatched.,The colony provides protectionfor its members.,But living in such a huge crowdis nonetheless hazardous.,the chick's very survival depends onits ability,to recognise the voicesof its parents.,So it must learn to do so quickly,,because within ten days of hatching,,it and its parents will leavethe nest.,The call of each flamingo is unique.,It's a kind of vocal fingerprint.,How the chick manages in such a din,to memorise and pick out the callsof its parents is unimaginable.,But it does so.,This one is taking its first stepsout of the nest.,But it's not really readyfor the wider world.,Eventually it becomesa little braver.,but now it has a new problem.,It's growing fast and both itand its parents need food.,To get it, the adults must leavethe colony and their chick.,The chick cannot fly and will beunable to do so......
大卫·艾登堡:大自然的声音 (Secret World of Sound with David Attenborough)相关字幕