绝密战境 Den of Thieves 2(2025)英文字幕下载
更新日期: 2025年02月02日 下载次数: 126 SRT ASS 绝密战境 Den of Thieves 2(2025)英文字幕下载预览
Visibility, one.,Ceiling 4,000 overcast. Temperature--,Salah 1-1-4 clear to land,,runway 1-1.,Clear to land Salah 1-1-4.,These streets, they're different.,They're old.,The ties are deep and hidden.,It's where the East claws at the West.,Where the South seeks the North.,There's honor here that must be respected.,Rules that cannot be broken.,And if a mistake is made...,[Serbian] ...there's nowhere to hide.,Room service.,Ronin 1, Cleopatra here.,Ronin 1, copy.,Cleopatra go.,I'm on overwatch.,Shutting down engines.,Ronin 1, taxi has arrived. Stand by.,Ronin 1, standing by.,Ronin 1, doors! Doors!,Ronin 1, copy. Chauffeur doors -,- Chauffeur on doors!,Ronin Five ready to go.,Copy that Ronin Five, stand by.,Ronin One, go karat! Go karat!,Ronin One copy, go, go.,Hey! What's the problem?,Apologies! Someone called in a bomb threat.,This is a restricted area!,Get on your knees! Get on your knees!,On your knees! Show me your hands!,On your knees.,Get on your fucking knees, right now!,Lay down! Lay down! Lay fucking down!,Lay down! Lay down right now. Don't move!,Don't move! On me!,Hands, hands! Show me your hands!,You, come out! Come out! You, come out. On the ground!,Get down!,It's clear!,[Flemish] Delta 2, Delta 2, please check hangar 4.,My screen is empty. I don't know what's going on there. Over.,Copy, on my way.,Unit en route to hangar 4.,Dogs on the scent.,Ronin One, clock! Time to go!,Package in hand.,Package in hand. Exiting.,Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!,Not bad!,Moving.,Cleopatra, Ronin One. Tires rolling. Tires rolling.,If he catches us... Faster, faster!,Two units leaving cargo 4.,Identify both units.,Chauffeur, this is Ronin One.,Doors! Doors!,We good?,We clean. We clean. Still good.,Cleopatra, we are clear and on the move.,Movie:Den of Thieves 2 - Pantera,English Subtitle:Official subtitles/mix Y206,In Belgium last night,,Salah Airline flight 114,,that was the Africa flight, with the diamond industry,became the epicenter of a meticulously executed heist,at the Antwerp International Airport cargo terminal.,The incident unfolded,as the flight arrived from Johannesburg,,and suspects in police tactical gear,raced across the tarmac,to stage an assault on the cargo hangar.,Preliminary reports suggest that the thieves made away,with millions of dollars' worth of diamonds.,Indications point to the Panther mafia,as potential orchestrators behind this meticulously planned robbery.,My man crush, Deputy Nick.,Hey.,Did you hear about the diamond rip at the airport? Belgium?,What, the Antwerp thing? Yeah.,Oh. So, that's what this is about?,Mm-hmm.,Mm. Zero grams of sugar.,Lawman, afternoon.,Lieutenant, you're busy, I'm busy.,So, let's jump to it, shall we?,Sir, I have reason to believe my suspect is still operating.,And you know this how?,I just do.,- And what's your ask? - Simple.,Issue a BOLO, or at least a purple notice,,so I can continue my investigation.,I can't operate outside of CONUS without it.,Isn't this case closed by now?,Look. We've investigated the incident ad nauseam..
And the issue here, Nick, is this,,whether there was an actual breach or not is debatable.,And we'd be pursuing it robustly,if there were abnormalities with any of the accounts.,But there weren't.,Neither us, nor any of our clients,,which translates to every single goddamn bank,in the entire American Southwest, and Guam,,and Hawaii, are missing a dollar.,Not one.,Nothing was stolen, Nick.,I speak English.,The potential optics of this,are obviously a nonstarter for us.,In no world can it be known or leaked,that the Federal fucking Reserve Bank,of the United States was robbed.,Not happening.,Go enjoy Lake Havasu, son. I know you understand.,Keep on walking, you're in the right place.,Backseat.,I trust you know how to use it.,Glock.,No safety.,No safety.,So, what's my cover?,You're French of Cote d'Ivoire descent.,You're a diamond dealer working out of London,,and we're EDM club promoters here to promote the festival,for the next two weeks. So, that's our clock.,Hope you got me a good view.,We'll meet the fence this afternoon.,She's a sightholder and she arranged office space for you.,And we've sanitized the whole flat.,So, you're good to go. Welcome to Nice, Jean-Jacques.,Here we go.,Jean-Jacques Dyallo.,What the fuck are you doing?,Follow him.,Follow that fucking car.,What are we doing?,Just relax. You're gonna be fine.,Get out.,A stripper that doesn't smoke.,That's a first.,Go fuck yourself.,Still dealing bad food at the club?,Okay. Your dude told you everything.,Always do.,You knew about the Fed.,You always fuck your suspects?,Is that police procedure?,You know, I could close these container doors,and then it'll be shipped to China.,And when it gets there,,they'll open the doors and there you'll be.,Dead.,A dead stripper in China.,Sounds kinky.,No, it doesn't.,We'll make this simple.,Since Merrimen's dead, you're gonna tell me two things.,Where were he and Donnie going that they didn't get to?,And what did they do with the money?,Who's the lucky guy?,He was all prison weird.,He didn't fuck me.,You did.,And I can post this...,anytime.,God. I look so much younger there.,I know where Donnie went.,I know where he put the money. But I want my man's cut.,Seven million.,Or the LASD and your daughters,will be super proud of your amateur porn career.,You understand, motherfucker?,Where is the money?,The Panama Diamant Bank.,Hey.,Jean-Jacques, this is my lovely friend Chava.,- Bonjour. - Bonjour.,[French] So, I understand you are French? May we speak French?,I have a French passport...,I am a bit...,...rusty.,Well, you have to speak English in this business anyway, so...,You grow up in Abidjan or...,- Tengrela. -Oh!,So, you're Baoule, ethnically.,Ethnically? Sinfra.,I'm impressed.,You know a lot about the country.,I mean, I have a lot of friends,in this business from West Africa.,Tough negotiators.,Who isn't?,So, Jean-Jacques,,you have something you want me to look at?,I do.,- And you came across this... - My family.,We do business in Botswana.......
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