绝密战境 Den of Thieves 2(2025)中英字幕下载-高清影视Pro

绝密战境 Den of Thieves 2(2025)中英字幕下载

更新日期: 2025年02月02日 下载次数: 138  SRT ASS
电影:绝密战境 (Den of Thieves 2)




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绝密战境 Den of Thieves 2(2025)中英字幕下载预览

 可见性,一Visibility, one.,最高温度 4,000 度,阴天 温度Ceiling 4,000 overcast. Temperature--,萨拉赫 114 落地,Salah 1-1-4 clear to land,,跑道 11runway 1-1.,安全降落 萨拉赫 114Clear to land Salah 1-1-4.,这些街道各不相同These streets, they're different.,他们老了They're old.,这种联系十分深厚且隐秘The ties are deep and hidden.,这是东方向西方发起进攻的地方It's where the East claws at the West.,南方寻找北方Where the South seeks the North.,这里有必须被尊重的荣誉There's honor here that must be respected.,不可破坏的规则Rules that cannot be broken.,如果犯了错误……And if a mistake is made...,[塞尔维亚语]......无处可藏[Serbian] ...there's nowhere to hide.,客房服务Room service.,浪人 1,我是克利奥帕特拉Ronin 1, Cleopatra here.,浪人1,收到Ronin 1, copy.,克利奥帕特拉走了Cleopatra go.,我正在监视I'm on overwatch.,关闭引擎Shutting down engines.,浪人1号,出租车已到,请等候Ronin 1, taxi has arrived. Stand by.,浪人1号,待命Ronin 1, standing by.,浪人1号,门!门!Ronin 1, doors! Doors!,浪人 1,听着 司机门Ronin 1, copy. Chauffeur doors -,门口有司机!Chauffeur on doors!,浪人五号准备出发Ronin Five ready to go.,收到,浪人五,请待命Copy that Ronin Five, stand by.,浪人一号,加油!加油!Ronin One, go karat! Go karat!,浪人一号听着,走吧,走吧Ronin One copy, go, go.,嘿!有什么问题吗?Hey! What's the problem?,抱歉!有人打电话威胁说有炸弹Apologies! Someone called in a bomb threat.,这里是禁区!This is a restricted area!,跪下!跪下!Get on your knees! Get on your knees!,跪下!让我看看你的手!On your knees! Show me your hands!,跪下On your knees.,马上跪下!Get on your fucking knees, right now!,躺下!躺下!他妈的躺下!Lay down! Lay down! Lay fucking down!,躺下!马上躺下 别动!Lay down! Lay down right now. Don't move!,别动!靠我啊!Don't move! On me!,手,手!让我看看你的手!Hands, hands! Show me your hands!,你,出来!出来!你,出来 趴在地上!You, come out! Come out! You, come out. On the ground!,下来!Get down!,天气晴朗!It's clear!,[弗兰芒语] 三角洲 2,三角洲 2,请检查 4 号机库[Flemish] Delta 2, Delta 2, please check hangar 4.,我的屏幕一片空白 我不知道那里发生了什么 完毕My screen is empty. I don't know what's going on there. Over.,收到,正在路上Copy, on my way.,机组正在前往 4 号机库的途中Unit en route to hangar 4.,狗在嗅气味Dogs on the scent.,浪人一号,时钟!出发啦!Ronin One, clock! Time to go!,手里拿着包裹Package in hand.,手里拿着包裹 离开Package in hand. Exiting.,走吧!走吧!走吧!Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!,不错!Not bad!,走Moving.,克娄巴特拉,浪人一号 轮胎滚动 轮胎滚动Cleopatra, Ronin One. Tires rolling. Tires rolling.,如果他抓住我们...快点,快点!If he catches us... Faster, faster!,两艘船离开 4 号货物港Two units leaving cargo 4.,识别两个单位Identify both units.,司机,这是浪人一号Chauffeur, this is Ronin One.,门!门!Doors! Doors!,我们好吗?We good?,我们安全 我们安全 仍然很好We clean. We clean. Still good.,克利奥帕特拉,我们已经安全并正在行动Cleopatra, we are clear and on the move.,电影:贼巢 2 绝密战境Movie:Den of Thieves 2 - Pantera,中文字幕:安圣English Subtitle:Official subtitles,昨晚在比利时,In Belgium last night,,萨拉赫航空114号航班,Salah Airline flight 114,,那是非洲航班,钻石行业that was the Africa flight, with the diamond industry,成为一场精心策划的抢劫案的中心became the epicenter of a meticulously executed heist,在安特卫普国际机场货运站at the Antwerp International Airport cargo terminal.,事件发生后The incident unfolded,当航班从约翰内斯堡抵达时,as the flight arrived from Johannesburg,,以及身着警用战术装备的嫌疑人and suspects in police tactical gear,在停机坪上奔跑raced across the tarmac,对货库发动袭击to stage an assault on the cargo hangar.,初步报告显示,窃贼已经逃走Preliminary reports suggest that the thieves made away,拥有价值数百万美元的钻石with millions of dollars' worth of diamonds.,有迹象表明黑豹党参与其中Indications point to the Panther mafia,他们是这起精心策划的抢劫案的潜在策划者as potential orchestrators behind this meticulously planned robbery.,我暗恋的男人,尼克副警长My man crush, Deputy Nick.,嘿Hey.,你听说过比利时机场发生的钻石抢劫案吗?Did you hear about the diamond rip at the airport? Belgium?,什么,安特卫普的事情?是的What, the Antwerp thing? Yeah.,哦 所以,这就是事情的经过?Oh. So, that's what this is about?,嗯嗯Mm-hmm.,嗯 零克糖Mm. Zero grams of sugar.,执法者,下午好Lawman, afternoon.,中尉,你忙,我忙Lieutenant, you're busy, I'm busy.,那么,我们开始吧,可以吗?So, let's jump to it, shall we?,先生,我有理由相信我的嫌疑人仍在行动Sir, I have reason to believe my suspect is still operating.,您怎么知道的?And you know this how?,我就是这么做的I just do.,你的要求是什么? 简单And what's your ask? Simple.,发布 BOLO,或者至少是紫色通缉令,Issue a BOLO, or at least a purple notice,,这样我就可以继续我的调查so I can continue my investigation.,如果没有它,我就无法在美国本土以外的地方开展行动I can't operate outside of CONUS without it.,这个案子现在不是已经结案了吗?Isn't this case closed by now?,你看,我们已经对这一事件进行了彻底的调查Look. We've investigated the incident ad nauseam..
    尼克,这里的问题是,And the issue here, Nick, is this,,是否存在实际违规行为仍有争议whether there was an actual breach or not is debatable.,我们将坚定地追求它And we'd be pursuing it robustly,如果任何账户出现异常if there were abnormalities with any of the accounts.,但事实并非如此But there weren't.,无论是我们,还是我们的客户,Neither us, nor any of our clients,,这意味着每一家银行which translates to every single goddamn bank,在整个美国西南部和关岛,in the entire American Southwest, and Guam,,和夏威夷则少了一美元and Hawaii, are missing a dollar.,一个也没有Not one.,没有东西被偷,尼克Nothing was stolen, Nick.,我说英语I speak English.,这种潜在的光学The potential optics of this,对我们来说显然是行不通的are obviously a nonstarter for us.,在任何情况下都不能被人知道或泄露In no world can it be known or leaked,美联储that the Federal fucking Reserve Bank,美国被抢劫了of the United States was robbed.,没有发生Not happening.,去享受哈瓦苏湖吧,儿子 我知道你明白的Go enjoy Lake Havasu, son. I know you understand.,继续走,你就在正确的地方Keep on walking, you're in the right place.,后座Backseat.,我相信你知道如何使用它I trust you know how to use it.,格洛克Glock.,没有安全No safety.,没有安全No safety.,那么,我的掩护是什么?So, what's my cover?,你是科特迪瓦血统的法国人You're French of Cote d'Ivoire descent.,你是一位在伦敦工作的钻石商人,You're a diamond dealer working out of London,,我们是 EDM 俱乐部的推广者,来这里推广这个音乐节and we're EDM club promoters here to promote the festival,接下来的两周 这就是我们的时钟for the next two weeks. So, that's our clock.,希望你能给我一个好的印象Hope you got me a good view.,今天下午我们会遇到围栏We'll meet the fence this afternoon.,她是一位看货商,她为你安排了办公空间She's a sightholder and she arranged office space for you.,我们已经对整个公寓进行了消毒And we've sanitized the whole flat.,那么,你就可以出发了 欢迎来到尼斯,吉雅克So, you're good to go. Welcome to Nice, Jean-Jacques.,开始了Here we go.,吉雅克·迪亚洛Jean-Jacques Dyallo.,你他妈在干什么?What the fuck are you doing?,跟着他Follow him.,跟着那辆该死的车Follow that fucking car.,我们正在做什么?What are we doing?,放松点 你会没事的Just relax. You're gonna be fine.,出去Get out.,不吸烟的脱衣舞女A stripper that doesn't smoke.,这是第一次That's a first.,去你丫的Go fuck yourself.,俱乐部里还在售卖劣质食品吗?Still dealing bad food at the club?,好的 你的哥们已经告诉你一切了Okay. Your dude told you everything.,总是这样Always do.,您了解美联储You knew about the Fed.,你总是和你的嫌疑人发生性关系吗?You always fuck your suspects?,这是警察的程序吗?Is that police procedure?,你知道,我可以关上这些集装箱门You know, I could close these container doors,然后将其运往中国and then it'll be shipped to China.,当它到达那里时,And when it gets there,,他们会打开门,然后你就在那里they'll open the doors and there you'll be.,死Dead.,中国一名死去的脱衣舞女A dead stripper in China.,听起来很古怪Sounds kinky.,不,不是的No, it doesn't.,我们将使这变得简单We'll make this simple.,既然梅里曼已经死了,你得告诉我两件事Since Merrimen's dead, you're gonna tell me two things.,他和唐尼要去哪里而没去呢?Where were he and Donnie going that they didn't get to?,那么他们用这些钱做什么呢?And what did they do with the money?,谁是那位幸运儿?Who's the lucky guy?,他在监狱里表现得非常怪异He was all prison weird.,他没和我发生性关系He didn't fuck me.,你做到了You did.,我可以发布这个...And I can post this...,任何时候anytime.,天哪 我在那里看上去年轻多了God. I look so much younger there.,我知道唐尼去哪儿了I know where Donnie went.,我知道他把钱放哪儿了 但我想得到我男人的那部分I know where he put the money. But I want my man's cut.,七百万Seven million.,或者洛杉矶县警察局和你的女儿们Or the LASD and your daughters,会对你的业余色情事业感到非常自豪will be super proud of your amateur porn career.,你懂吗,混蛋?You understand, motherfucker?,钱在哪里?Where is the money?,巴拿马钻石银行The Panama Diamant Bank.,嘿Hey.,吉雅克,这是我可爱的朋友 查瓦Jean-Jacques, this is my lovely friend Chava.,早上好 早上好Bonjour. Bonjour.,[法语] 那么,我知道你是法国人?我们可以讲法语吗?[French] So, I understand you are French? May we speak French?,我有一本法国护照...I have a French passport...,我有点......I am a bit...,...生锈了...rusty.,好吧,无论如何你在这个行业都必须说英语,所以......Well, you have to speak English in this business anyway, so...,您在阿比让长大还是......You grow up in Abidjan or...,滕格雷拉 哦!Tengrela. -Oh!,所以,从种族上来说,你是 巴乌勒 人So, you're Baoule, ethnically.,从种族角度来说? 辛弗拉Ethnically? Sinfra.,我印象非常深刻I'm impressed.,你对这个国家很了解You know a lot about the country.,我的意思是,我有很多朋友I mean, I have a lot of friends,来自西非的这项业务in this business from West Africa.,强硬的谈判者Tough negotiators.,谁不是呢?Who isn't?,因此,吉雅克,So, Jean-Jacques,,你有什么东西想让我看吗?you have something you want me to look at?,我有I do.,你遇到了这个... 我的家人And you came across this... My family.,我们在博茨瓦纳做生意We do business in Botswana.......

绝密战境 (Den of Thieves 2)相关字幕